Age Limits to enter   

* CLASSIC - Open to all   *SILVER, GOLD, (ANT)ARCTIC - OVER 16 as at December 31st of the current season, JEDI / NINJA / APPRENTICE - OVER 18 as at December 31st of the current season

Polar Bear or Penguin ?  info on which to choose HERE

How do I register as Extreme penguin ?

Enter via eventbrite as a standard penguin. When you submit the check in form to confirm that November's swims have been completed you will be asked to confirm if you are a standard or Extreme Penguin. After November you may revert to standard Penguin if you wish but may not go from standard to extreme.

How does it work ? Info HERE  

What are the Challenge levels ? Info HERE

CLASSIC Dip up to your shoulders twice a month - no distance required CLASSIC
Open to all
SILVER Swim twice a month - each swim to be a minimum of 250 metres SILVER
Over 16s only
GOLD Swim twice a month - each swim to be a minimum of 250 metres GOLD
Over 16s only Swim a total of at least 1000 metres per month ( this includes the 2 x 250 metre swims )
ARCTIC Swim twice a month - each swim to be a minimum of 250 metres ANTARCTIC
Over 16s only Swim a total of at least 3000 metres per month ( this includes the 2 x 250 metre swims )
JEDI APPRENTICE Swim twice a month - each swim to be a minimum of 250 metres NINJA APPRENTICE
Over 18s only Swim a total of at least 3000 metres per month ( this includes the 2 x 250 metre swims )
Achieve a minumum of 10 points from the range of specified swims
JEDI Swim twice a month - each swim to be a minimum of 250 metres NINJA
Over 18s only Swim a total of at least 3000 metres per month ( this includes the 2 x 250 metre swims )
Achieve all 20 points by swimming the entire range of specified swims

Which level should I enter ?

IMPORTANT - Please read regarding November swim information and how this affects your chosen level  -  info HERE

DO NOT enter Jedi / Ninja levels unless you are sure you can find water of the required temperature to complete the specified swims. The sea temperature in the UK rarely gets low enough to complete these levels unless you are in Scotland or the very far North of England so you will need to seek out fresh water swimming area ( fresh water gets colder than sea water in winter ) or travel. as the higher Jedi and Ninja levels are VERY onerous as they require you to swim a number of specified swims in water below 7 degrees  - The UK sea temperature rarely falls below 7 degrees so to achieve these levels you will need to travel or find a fresh water swimming area which drops to the required temperature. More info HERE

 Can I change my Challenge level ?  -

For NOVEMBER ONLY - If you complete a higher level than that which you entered then you will be raised to that level within your chosen challenge - either Penguin or Polar Bear. You cannot swap from Penguin to Polar Bear in November .

You will subsequently drop levels accordingly in the future months if needs be - including from Polar Bear to Penguin - but this gives you a chance to check your boundaries. NB This rule does not apply to Jedi / Ninja / Apprentice levels.

PENGUINS - For NOVEMBER ONLY you will be asked to confirm if you are Extreme or Standard Penguin

After November you can slide down the scale if you wish but you can’t go up. So you can aim for Arctic / Antarctic and slide down to Gold, Silver or Classic. You may swap from  Polar Bear to the same or lower Penguin at any time but not vice versa. You may swap from Extreme to Standard Penguin at any time but not vice versa.

I need to wear something on my feet to get in and can't walk on the beach/shingle/jetty/stones/rocks........?

Foe Penguin and Extreme Penguin footwear is allowed but if you are doing a Polar Bear Challenge level then It's all about the swimming - not the getting on and out so you are allowed to wear something on your feet to enter the water but must take them off and chuck them back on the beach or attach them to you or put them in a tow float for the duration of the swim - then put them back on to exit the water.....

You can enter the Polar Bear Challenge and the Penguin Challenge separately as two different events. 

If you want to challenge yourself for longer distances then you can enter Penguin to add the neoprene and get the distance / time in the water and then when your swim is finished you can strip off everything but the swimsuit to have a short dip to qualify as one of the shorter Polar Bear levels. Even if you just strip off the wetsuit before you exit the water and have a quick dunk that will be enough to qualify for Polar Bear Classic.

How do I measure my distance?

It's an honesty challenge so it's up to you and your conscience to swim the required distance. There is no verification required.

You can measure by using a Garmin or similar or by tracking your path on Google Earth or by using known landmarks to track distance.

How do I verify my swims ?

You will be sent a link to an online form to be completed at the end of each month. No evidence of your swims is required other than for Jedi / Ninja or Apprentice swims.

The forms will remain open for a limited time and if I do not hear from you in that time I will presume you have dropped out of the Challenge.

For Jedi / Ninja / Apprentice verification click HERE

What are the Jedi Bear / Ninja Penguin specified swims ?

Click HERE for more info


This is an extreme challenge which should only be attempted by experienced cold water swimmers and a medical check up is advised.

UK temperatures may not get low enough to complete the challenge in the UK so some travel at your own expense may be necessary.

 What if I am unable to complete my swims in a particular month due to illness or personal circumstances ?  -

Each swimmer has a Joker card they may play to give them a pass for one calendar month if they are unable to complete all their swims and do not want to drop down to the appropriate level for the swims that have been completed. The Joker may be played only once is is non transferable to another swimmer. More info HERE

Sea Swimming  -

Swimming in the sea is fine but make sure you're not taking advantage of the current/tide. If swimming with the tide then you need to swim as much distance with the tide as you do against it. The sea is warmer than fresh water in the winter.
However if you're swimming on slack tide half an hour either side of the top of the tide then there will be minimal current so that's ok to count as a one way  ...

Lake Swimming  -

Lake swimming is fine. There's not normally any current to be aware of. Fresh water lakes will be colder than the sea in winter

River Swimming -

Make sure you're not taking advantage of the current/tide. If swimming with the tide then you need to swim as much distance with the tide as you do against it. Fresh water will be cooler than the sea. Some rivers that have strong currents may not be suitable for Polar Bear Challenge swims.

Thermal Pool or Lake Swimming -

In this case the temperature when you swim must be no higher than the maximum UK natural unheated sea or fresh water temperature at the time ( email me for more clarification if required ).

Lido Swimming unheated only - read on if yours is occasionally or partially heated by either man made or geothermic sources -

Similar to lake swimming lidos are usually colder than the sea in winter. You don't need to worry about any currents or tides but to prevent unfair advantage by turns pushing off the wall you are not allowed to touch the wall or bottom of the pool at any time during your swim unless your lido is 50 metres or more in length.

Some lidos are partially heated i.e. the heating is on some of the time or the temperature is kept above a minimum level ( usually about 11 degrees ).

In this case the temperature when you swim must be no higher than the maximum UK natural sea or fresh water temperature at the time ( email me for more clarification if required ).

Because lidos are fresh water they are usually colder than the sea so a little heating may NOT be enough to STOP Polar Bear or Penguin swimming but it will vary from pool to pool.

Can I count more than one swim a day ?

You can count more than one of the mandatory 250 metres swims or dips a day  but you must exit the water after each swim or dip and spend at least 10 minutes on dry land between swims or dips for them to count as separate swims. The same ruke applies for any other swims UNLESS  you are Jedi / Ninja or Apprentice then you must leave at least 24 hours between each of the specified swims.

Do not underestimate the difficulty of the Jedi  Ninja  Apprentice specified swims - these levels are very arduous and are recommended for experienced cold water swimmers only.

But it's cold !!

The water is still relatively warm in November and if you just keep getting in regularly you will acclimitise - however if you do get to the point where it's not fun anymore then you can drop down through the challenges.

The water is usually coldest in late January / February when it can drop below 5 degrees however different places can vary by 3 or 4 degrees and in the winter the sea will be warmer than freshwater.

What about my ears ? I get earache in the cold....

Swimmers Ear and Surfers Ear are recognised conditions - try earplugs. Earplugs are allowed under Polar Bear rules.

I'm not comfortable in just a cossie - I'd rather cover up a bit .....

It's all about the swimming - not the getting on and out so you are allowed to wear whatever you like to enter the water but can only wear a cossie, goggles. single hat, noseclips & earplugs ( if you're a Polar Bear ) for the duration of the actual swim so chuck your accessories back on the beach or attach them to you or put them in a tow float for the duration of the swim - then put them back on to exit the water.....

I've done fine through November & December but I'm feeling the cold now - How do I get through it ?

There's lots of support and advice available on the facebook group - nobody's a superhero - we all feel the cold.......MamaBear will give you lots of hints to help you ( learned through cold, hard experience !! ). If you need to you can drop down or swap across to a level that allows you to wear a bit more.

I'm swimming outside of the UK - does that count for Polar Bear / Penguin Challenge?

For swims taking place outside of the UK the water temperature must be at the same number of whole degrees as the current maximum outdoor natural water temperature in the UK ;


max UK water temperature 11.1 - all overseas swims must be below 12 degrees.

What do I get when I complete the Challenge ?

Everybody who completes their nominated Challenge gets a sew on badge and certificate and a medal.

Link to Facebook Group