Specified Swim Verification

Swims at 7.00 degrees or less must have proof of water temperature submitted by sending in photographic evidence of TWO SEPARATE THERMOMETERS confirming the temperature is at or below that required at  the time and place that you  swam.

You may use either mercury or digital thermometers but BOTH thermometers must clearly show the temperature is below that required.

Thermometers such as aquarium or baby bath or cooking probe thermometers may be suitable digital thermometers or a standard mercury thermometer is OK too.

This is how to verify your 7.00 degrees and under swims - there is more info on the specified swims on the page HERE

Please could you go to the Just For Jedis / Ninjas facebook group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/justforjedisninjas .

You may need to send a join request first including the password given when you completed the check in form.

Please only post your swims AFTER you have checked them in at the end of the month.

Please ONLY post the 7 degree and under swims on the Just for Jedis / Ninjas page- no other posts - otherwise the page gets swamped and makes it difficult for me to check.

Please post your temperature pics for each swim individually and label post with - Jedi or Ninja, Challenge level, name of swimmer, distance claimed, temperature claimed and swim number. 

If you are posting for someone else as well please tag them in the post.

You need a photograph or photographs of two separate thermometers recording the water temperature. 

Thermometers may be digital or mercury as long as they show clearly that the temperature was below that specified.

You don't need  any other proof of distance or anything - only the thermometers

So that I can keep track of stuff more easily please could you  post individually for each swim claimed.


If you do not use facebook then I will request your evidence at the end of the challenge.



Link to Facebook Group