There are two main associations hosting events and promoting swimming in cold water - The International Winter Swimming Association was founded in 2006 and has hosted cold water swimming competitions for many years while The International Ice Swimming Association was founded by Ram Barkai in 2009 and regulates the 'Ice Mile' as well as hosting events over shorter distances.
There are also a number of independant events.
Whichever organisation you choose to swim with you can be assured of a warm welcome into the world of chilly swimming.
If you would like to come along and take part in any of the events then click to join the facebook group Ice & Winter Swimming Adventures to plot and plan and find other swimmers.

The full International Ice Swimming Association events list can be found here - https://www.internationaliceswimming.com/events-calendar/
The full International Winter Swimming Association events list can be found here - https://iwsa.world/events