How it works - enter the Challenge by choosing your Challenge level and registering with EventBrite.
Info on the Challenge levels is here Polar Bear & Penguin Challenge Levels
If you're really not sure what level to enter then register for Polar Bear Antarctic and I'll put you in the appropriate level for whatever swims you achieve during November - see NOTE 1 below,
Swim the swims relevant to your chosen level in your own time but make sure that you complete all the required swims and distances each month.
If you are finding it tough at your original then you can drop down to a different level or from Polar Bear to the equivalent or lower Penguin level.
At the end of each month an online check in form will be emailed to you to complete and return confirming that you have completed that month's swims. The forms will remain open for up to 10 days after which time I will presume you have dropped out of the challenge if I haven't heard from you.
( NOTE 1 ) From the info on your check in you will be shuffled into the appropriate level for the metres you have completed to date.
For NOVEMBER ONLY - If you complete a higher level than that which you entered then you will be raised to that level within your chosen challenge - either Penguin or Polar Bear. You cannot swap from Penguin to Polar Bear in November . ( subject to the age limit requirements for each level ).
You will subsequently drop levels accordingly in the future months if needs be - including from Polar Bear to Penguin - but this gives you a chance to check your boundaries. NB This rule does not apply to Jedi / Ninja / Apprentice levels.
PENGUINS - For NOVEMBER ONLY you will be asked to confirm if you are Extreme or Standard Penguin
After November you can slide down the scale if you wish but you can’t go up. So you can aim for Arctic / Antarctic and slide down to Gold, Silver or Classic. You may swap from Polar Bear to the same or lower Penguin at any time but not vice versa. You may swap from Extreme to Standard Penguin at any time but not vice versa.
Every swimmer has a JOKER which they may play only once to give a pass for that month's swims if required for any reason. Info HERE
A swim log is a available HERE that you can print off if you wish to keep track of where you are and the official handbook ( which also contains some swim log pages ) is available from Amazon HERE
You do not need to provide any evidence of your swims other than for the Jedi or Ninja or Apprentice swims at 7.00 degrees or less in which case a photograph of two thermometers recording the temperature needs to be submitted. If your venue has it's own official temperature recording this may be used for one reading but the other MUST be your own thermometer and photographs of both are required.
IMPORTANT - If you are considering entering the Jedi, Ninja or Apprentice levels please read the additional info HERE
You'll receive regular weekly emails from MamaBear ( Pauline Barker MBE )with hints and tips - especially in the run up to the start of the Challenge - and I'm always here to give advice should you need it.
There's also a facebook group so you can join in with the other Polar Bear & Penguin swimmers and share pics and stories and get information.
When you have confirmed that you have completed your swims for that month you will appear on the 'swim list' published on this website so you can see how you and your fellow swimmers are getting on. Names on the swim list are abbreviated to give some online anonymity.
When your final March swim is done you will receive a sew on badge and a certificate and a medal.