The different challenge levels mirror each other but the difference between The Polar Bear Challenge and The Penguin Challenge is in the clothing allowed for your swims.
The Polar Bear Challenge is run under similar clothing rules to the International Winter Swimming Association and the Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation which means that the only attire allowed is one standard swimsuit of normal swimsuit material which may not extend over the shoulders or below the knees.
The swimsuit should not fully be lined although lining in the bust or brief area for modesty and support is permitted..
You may also wear a single standard silicone or latex swimhat ( no bubble or fancy hats), goggles which do not cover the nostrils, noseclips and earplugs if required.
You may not use any cream, lotion, vaseline or similar to insulate your skin against the cold but you may use this solely for anti chafing purposes if required.
No swim accessories such as fins, snorkels or hand paddles may be used - all swims must be unassisted by accessories although if you have a medical condition that requires you to wear a support or use a float then that may be allowed as long as it gives you no undue assistance and you must have the use of the equipment pre approved by MamaBear.
For the Penguin Challenge there are no clothing rules - you can wear whatever you like including wetsuit. gloves, boots etc..
Extreme Penguin is a sub section of the Penguin Challenge - to qualify as Extreme Penguin you have to follow the same clothing rules as Polar Bear BUT the exception is that you ARE allowed to wear anything you like on you extremities ONLY. That means you can wear anything you like on your head, hands and feet ONLY. Nothing other than a normal swimsuit which does not cover your shoulders or extend beyond your knees may be worn on your torso.
For Extreme Penguin no swim accessories such as fins, snorkels or hand paddles may be used - all swims must be unassisted by accessories although if you have a medical condition that requires you to wear a support or use a float then that may be allowed as long as it gives you no undue assistance and you must have the use of the equipment pre approved by MamaBear.
Extreme Penguins receive the same medal and badge as standard Penguin but are recognised as Extreme on the swim lists and on the certificate.
Please read the FAQs HERE